Need for speed most wanted 2012 pc cheats
Need for speed most wanted 2012 pc cheats

It feels like a total ripp-off, because they basically are selling us the same game from 7 years back. Need4speed is not the same good old game it was 5 to10 years back.

need for speed most wanted 2012 pc cheats

Some how it runs like crap on pc (another greate EA port i guess) and the game is way to easy, especially if you played games like GT, forza or Grid. I might as well just played that game again, because this 2012 version is just one big copy past with some updated consolegraphic. I might as well just played that game again, because this 2012 version I still got Most Wanted from 2005 laying around in the attic somewhere. I still got Most Wanted from 2005 laying around in the attic somewhere. THIS IS WHY WE PIRATE, TO COMPENSATE FOR GAME DEVELOPERS TRYING TO SELL US ****TY WORTHLESS GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! … Expand

need for speed most wanted 2012 pc cheats

I feel sorry for people who actually went out and bought the game, and ill say this again.

#Need for speed most wanted 2012 pc cheats manual

theres no progression like the classic need for speed games when u have a **** car and progress to a nicer one threw wining pink slips or buying new cars, theres only 2 camera views(no in-car view) and the handling is just terrible, if you want to know what its like, duct tape a hippo to your roof and try drive, as well as there is no Manual transmission, need for speed franchise is on a downhill, and they are become the same as the Call of duty franchise in this regard, they need to pull something out of there asses to make this franchise a gem as it once was. This game is note a successful redo of the last most wanted, getting new cars are as easy as driving around and saying "oh look a bugatti veyron.MINE!" no financial buy car trade car system, all these retarded points things, i mean you start off in a porche 911. After Pirating the game out of fear that it would be a money waister, my fears were proven correct.

need for speed most wanted 2012 pc cheats

After Pirating the game out of fear When ii hear that need for speed was going to be redone, i was excited and hoped the game was amazing. When ii hear that need for speed was going to be redone, i was excited and hoped the game was amazing.

Need for speed most wanted 2012 pc cheats