Most 5 year old girls would be insulted to be compared to these guys.

The entire censorship and over zelous moderators smells of a bunch of 5 year old girls who haven't grown up enough to realize that people might say and do 'Boo boo's'. As a final nail in the coffin, is the retarded moderation, the only game, including stuff designed for 3 year olds' which censors out the word 'piss'. Trading is possibly the worst system in any game ever, the entire UI looks like some prealpha rubbish created by a 3 year old on crack, and the thing is generally slow and confusing to use. This game looks and feels exactly like those. Games like Snakes and ladders badly drawn, programmed and shoved onto CD's to fill up whatever magazine or cereal it was trying to entice you to buy. Those of you lucky enough to be alive during the 90's, would remember the amount of crapware that came out around that time. And last but not least, the entire client is just. That isn't including the $30 a pop events, or the super expensive stuff (There are single virtual cards that sell for over $200). Standard decks cost anywhere from $70-$500. Even then, a second tier pauper (Commons only) deck will cost you anywhere from $15- up to $100. Cards that are worth anything are often more expensive then their physical counterparts, thanks to the infection of bots in the trading. This creates decidedly uninspiring gameplay, with both losses and wins feeling equally empty and pointless Then you have the price. The other 10% is decided by the luck of the draw, with both players not counting on skill, but luck to pull them through. If you have the counter to something, you win. This means that 90% of games will be decided as soon as you start. Balance among decks are often decided to be 'balanced' due to the flawed rock paper scissors ideas that so many games fall into. Where do you start for something this bad? Lets start with the gameplay. The game is based on the creation of heroes and mages that summon forth powerful monsters, spells, and abilities to defeat the enemy duelist.

Where do you start for something this bad? Lets start with the gameplay. Dec 31, Magic The Gathering Battlegrounds Free Download for PC is a real time strategy video game based on Magic: The Gathering collectible card game, though with many fundamental differences. Magic The Gathering Free Download for PC is a computer game published by MicroProse in April 1997 based on the collectible card game Magic: The Gathering.